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形意拳 天津城区滨海新区 唐胜军 2013-04-12 10:48:26 2903浏览 培训时间:长期有效
唐胜军 2013-04-12 10:48:26 2903浏览






Brochure of Xingyiquan, Baguazhang and Taijiquan of the Tang Family


Being recorded in the early period of the

Qing Dynasty and with the improvement of ten generations, Xingyiquan integrated with traditional Chinese medicine, Taoism and martial arts has developed to be a school of martial arts. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, it saw a climax in development when a group of

respected martial arts masters with impressive skills had come forward. They

crackdown against the arrogance

of the aggressors at the external and internal problems-ridden age, lived up to the name of “the backbone of the Chinese nation”.


Xingyiquan of the Tang

family is the boxing form of the fourth generation successor to Heibei Xingyiquan---Tang Weilu who sat at the feet of Heibei Xingyiquan masters Shen Wanlin and Li Cunyi. Leveled

with the national boxing master Sun Lutang, along with whom are honored as the

“Two Lus” in Heibei province, Tang Weilu, as the discipline of Li Cunyi and

nicknamed as “Saibaiyuan (a person’s action is quicker and much more agile than

the ape)”, walks a round trip from Beijing to Tianjin only in a day and night regularly,

which discloses his impressive martial arts skills.


The 21st century witnesses that the

living standards have been better and better but 80% people are troubled with sub-health and various diseases.

It is incredible and impossible for the majority to study and work with an

energetic spirit.  Heibei Xingyiquan is also called the five elements boxing. According to

the traditional Chinese medicine, five boxing gestures mirror respectively the

five elements named metal, wood, water, fire and earth corresponding

respectively to the heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney in human body.

Practicing the Xingyiquan in line with the principle of five

corresponding elements is able to shape into a strong man from heart to soul. With

an energetic heart, man can have real powerful energy and a strong appearance

naturally. It is able to solve sub-health problems such as neurasthenia,

dyspepsia and fatigue through the practice of the Xingyiquan which has also a good curative effect on "Three highs"

(hypertension, Hyperlipaemia and hyperglycemia), adrenal failure, tuberculosis,

liver disease, rheumatic disease, spinal, waist and legs diseases, muscle

atrophy caused by conditions such as severe trauma, etc. Every level of the Xingyiquan practice is available annually, while participants can take

part into some martial arts contest.  


XingyiBaguazhang of the Tang family is taught by the

fourth generation successor---Tang Shengjun, the legitimate great-grandson of Mr.

Tang Weilu, with Tang Fenghua---the third generation lineal successor works as the

consultant. Since as young as five years old, master Tang Shengjun has been

learning martial arts from his father Tang Fenghua. Acquired all the skills under his father’s

expert tutelage, Tang Shengjun has once got the Golden Medal in the

National Xingyiquan Contest, and as a

member of the

Chinese Wushu Association he has won the sixth grade in

martial arts.  





1 Xingyiquan:Various hitting gestures, Eight-word boxing skill, breathing and respiration skills, the Five

Elements Boxing gestures and uses, Xingyi

Lianhuan boxing gestures (with consecutives boxing gestures including attacking

and withdraw, cis-acting

gestures and Eight-word gestures), Eight-styles boxing, Four-action boxing

(Xingyi four-action boxing and Chicken-shaped four-action boxing), Mixed-type hammering, Chains hammering, Laosan Boxing (drill, practice and wrap---drilled

boxing, boxing collapse and wrap boxing), Twelve styles boxing for single

operation, Twelve styles boxing for co-operation, and 2 men forms of counter

attack practice and mutual benefit practice of the Five Elements.


methods: flying, dancing, rocking, shaking and spinning

   2八卦掌:龙形八卦掌、龙形四门掌、八卦技法32掌、游身八卦掌、九宫八卦顺穿逆穿、八卦单操、双操法(对练) 。                      


 2 Baguazhang: Gragon-shaped Baguazhang, Gragon-shaped Simenzhang, Bagua techniques of thirty-two

boxing gestures, Jiugong Bagua hitting and counter attack boxing, Bagua boxing

for single operation, co-operation boxing (2 men forms).

Tools: Xingyi Zilong thirty gun, Five

Elements circulating stave, Xingyi single-broadsword, Xingyi thirty broadsword, Gragon-shaped Gagua double-broadsword, Bagua

broadaxe, Xingyi spade and Xingyi falchion.


授课老师:唐维禄唐传形意拳第四代嫡传 唐胜军老师  电话:15102245753


3 Yang-style Shadowg boxing 24 gestures,

Yang-style traditional form 108 gestures, Shadow boxing pushing hands gesture,

32 gestures Tachi Sword.

Instructor: Mr. Tang Shengjun, the fourth

generation lineal successor of the XingyiBaguazhang of Tang Weilu.

Telephone: 15102245753

QQ number: 935914001
